Complaints Procedure

MT GARAGE SERVICES T/A MER-TECH is committed to providing a high quality experience for all its users through its delivery of service and repairs of motor vehicles. It encourages a positive cost effective solution. We welcome informal contact and feedback from customers and we aim to have all complaints be dealt with effectively and efficiently. The complaints procedure outlines the processes to be used when a customer has cause for concern.
Aims of the Policy
- To provide a clear framework to help anyone who is not satisfied with the company’s services to raise their concerns and to ensure that the company responds effectively. - To ensure that the company has systems in place to make improvements happen as a result of a complaint. - To encourage prompt resolution at an early informal stage. - To ensure that all complaints are dealt with seriously, fairly and sensitively, with no resultant victimisation of a complainant. - To raise awareness of the policy and procedures and ensure that instructors understand the processes through appropriate training. - To define responsibilities and allocate duties to individual members of company staff in relation to procedures set out.
This document should be used by anyone who wishes to make a complaint about our services including, employers, partners, local residents or other users. Third parties with a close connection to the customer, wishing to complain on behalf of the customer, must produce written agreement from the customer stating that they can act on their behalf.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction by one or more members of the public about an organisation’s action or lack of action, or about the standard of service provided by or on behalf of the organisation. Requests for services or changes to services, comments, suggestions and questionnaire feedback are not considered as complaints and therefore, do not fall within this process.
Roles and Responsibilities
- The Managing Director receives all formal complaints and is responsible for logging and monitoring the complaints in accordance with the procedures below. - All instructors and front-line staff have a responsibility for receiving complaints, treating them seriously and dealing with them appropriately. Wherever possible, complaints should be dealt with informally and promptly. All complaints (formal and informal) received by a member of staff must be forwarded to the Managing Director to be recorded. - The Managing Director has a responsibility to take a lead role in resolving complaints through investigation (when appropriate) and responding to the complainant.
All complaints will be handled sensitively and with discretion. If a customer makes a complaint against a member of staff, that member of staff may be informed about the substance of the complaint so that they are in a position to make a response. The company will not normally investigate anonymous or malicious complaints except in exceptional circumstances and for justifiable reasons. This may be considered if the complainant wishes to remain anonymous in cases of harassment.
1. Informal Complaints
1.1. It is hoped that most complaints can be dealt with using informal procedure.
1.2. Concerns should be raised in the first instance with the person or area concerned as soon as possible, and not later than 3 months after the incident. If appropriate, a meeting will be offered between the person complaining and area they are complaining about to arrive to an agreed resolution.
1.3. If a complaint is about a member of staff, it should be referred to the appropriate manager.
1.4. If an employee reports a fault with the working environment (e.g. not clean or broken equipment etc.) or its surrounding facilities, the employee is to report it to the manager at the earliest opportunity.
1.5. At this informal stage complaints may be made in person, by phone or by email.
1.6. All informal complaints, even when satisfactorily resolved, should be forwarded to the Managing Director to be logged.
2. Formal complaints
Where complaints are very serious or the matter has not been resolved informally, the complainant should raise a formal complaint under the following procedure.
Complaints made more than 3 months after the incident will not normally be investigated.
2.1. Filling out a complaints form: The complainant should fill out a Complaints Form (Annex A) having read the complaints Policy and Procedure (available at www.rmi.co.uk/downloads). The form should be returned to the Managing Director Richard Oakes at 603 Hessle Road Hull HU3 5JA
2.2. Acknowledgement: The Managing Director will send an acknowledgment (normally within 5 working days) stating who will be investigating the complaint and that a response will be provided within 20 working days.
2.3. Logging the complaint: The Managing Director maintains a spreadsheet of all complaints, their progress and outcome.
2.4. Investigation of the complaint: The Managing Director will carry out the investigation. During this stage the complainant may be contacted for further information or to be invited to meet the Managing Director (they may be accompanied by a friend or family member, however, an accompanying person cannot take active part in the proceedings but can offer support to the complainant).
2.5. Resolution: The Managing Director will consider the complaint thoroughly and will complete an Investigation Summary Form (Annex B) to be held on file for record purposes. The Managing Director will make a judgement based on evidence gathered and will decide to:
- Dismiss the complaint as unfounded, giving reasons.
- Uphold or partially uphold the complaint, propose an amicable settlement, take appropriate steps to address the issue and to avoid a similar problem arising in the future.
The outcome of the investigation will normally be communicated to the complainant by the Managing Director and a copy of the letter will be kept on file.
2.6. Dissatisfied at the outcome of a complaint: If there is dissatisfaction at the outcome of a complaint investigation carried out by MT Garage Services LTD, the complainant has the right to escalate their complaint to the Alternative Dispute Resolution at the RMI (02075809122) which is an independent motor industry regulators that work along side trading standards and is also backed by an up to £1000 money back guarantee. If the complainant is still dissatisfied with the outcome from the awarding body, they can escalate the complaint to the relevant Qualification Regulator.
2.7. Quality improvement: The Managing Director will ensure that relevant action is taken to change procedures or implement staff training to prevent recurrence of the complaint.
2.8. Monitoring the complaint: The Managing Director is responsible for monitoring all logged complaints to ensure they are resolved within the allotted 20 Working days, and will inform the complainant if they are unable to meet the agreed timescale.
2.9. Evaluation: A record of complaints and outcomes will be recorded on a complaints database. The database will be analysed on a regular basis to ensure that actions are carried out to address issues raised.
Original signed
Richard Oakes
Managing Director